IMG 0169a  Male IMG 0176a  Male IMG 0182a  Male IMG 0107a  Male Harbour IMG 0174a  Male Harbour
IMG 0183a  Dhoni in Male Harbour IMG 0185a  Male Harbour IMG 0189a  Male Harbour IMG 0190a  Male Harbour IMG 0192a  Male Harbour
IMG 0150a  Market IMG 0152a  Market IMG 0155a  Fish Market IMG 0159a  Fish Market IMG 0160a  Fish Market
IMG 0161a  Fish Market IMG 0167a  Male IMG 0193a  Male IMG 0116a  The President's House, Male IMG 0120a  The President's House, Male
IMG 0122a  The President's House, Male IMG 0125a  Old Friday Mosque IMG 0126a  Old Friday Mosque IMG 0127a  Old Friday Mosque IMG 0128a  Old Friday Mosque
IMG 0129a  Old Friday Mosque IMG 0130a  Old Friday Mosque IMG 0135a  Banyan Wishing Tree, Male IMG 0140a IMG 0145a  The Islamic Centre, housing the main mosque Masjid-al-Sultan Mohammed Thakurufaanu-al-A'z'am of Malé